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inspired by the everyday; by the what was that becomes the what is.

about WASIS studio

WASIS Studio was founded in Kuala Lumpur in 2019 by Kina Hassan, a Terengganu-born and raised artist - maker of contemporary jewellery & objects. She is informally trained by jewellery artists in Bangkok and Istanbul where she lived for a few years. Her time spent there informed and influenced her unconventional approach to jewellery making and design. She was a beneficiary of the CENDANA Craft Industry Choice 2020 in Metalworks. WASIS Studio has relocated and currently based in the coastal town of Kuala Terengganu since 1 January 2024.

artist statement

I observe the energies of my surroundings; captured and carried through people, architecture, art, culture, customs and traditions - giving a nod to how the past shapes the present, by the what was that becomes the what is. My work is a sum of seemingly mundane everyday things collectively combined into complex human experiences.


My contemporary jewellery practice is an exploration of how different environments afford us different forms of self-expressions and self- realisations, whilst finding clarity and balance in conveying individual story in confidence - through simplicity of form. I find beauty in the forgotten and calm in the contrasts. Growing up in a quiet coastal town yet feeling most at home in bustling cities, I feel most inspired in the space of unfamiliarity and through finding similarities in the differences of the unknown.


I apply substantial research phase in my practice, allowing me to explore different matters and processes, as well as providing contexts and references. My creative process is primarily intuitive, as systematic as it is random - guiding the choice of materials, techniques, and outcomes. My informal training informed my approach to jewellery-making - largely devoid of the need for embellishments, leaving the pieces bare and open to interpretations.

we believe you are because of what you have been. our design plays with the bold and unconventional yet pays tribute to our heritage and tradition. each and every piece we make is a nod to how the past shapes the present. 

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